talks & publications

Colour photo taken from the top of a pontoon. The ramp leads down from the foreground to the pontoon, surrounded by calm dark blue sea. There is a low line of green hills on the horizon. The top half of the image is filled with blue sky.


Sept. 26th 2024. “Communication Unlimited: Stumbling, Stuttering, and Working with Impairment”. At the 3-day conference, At the Limits of Imagination: Otherness in Humans and Non-Human Animals. University of Vienna. 26-28th Sept. 2024.


Futures, Imagined: Disability, Eugenics and Science Fiction“, May 14th, 2024.

Whose Standpoint Matters? Imagining Disability Justice.” May 13th, 2024.

On Palestine, Antisemitism, and Academic Silence“, Nov. 10th, 2023.


“Bodies of Power: Dis/ability and Community Arts Practice”. Guest lectures, Masters in Applied Human Rights, University of Applied Arts (Vienna), 2023/24.

“Lives Worth Living: Disability, Medical Technologies, and the ‘New’ Eugenics” (2023S). Interdisciplinary Masters in Applied Ethics, University of Vienna.

PREVIOUS TALKS (2019-Present):

May 14th 2024. Futures, Imagined: Disability, Eugenics and Science Fiction. STIR public lecture series at Die Angewandte / University of Applied Arts Vienna. Full recording (with captions), transcript, resources, and further information here.

May 13th 2024. Whose Standpoint Matters? Imagining Disability Justice. Hosted by ACCESSTECH at TU Vienna. Full recording (with captions), transcript and further information here.

April 13th, 2024: Cognitive Disability & Standpoint Epistemology: Building with Imagination. At Ethics & Politics of Imagination – International Double Workshop (part 2), University of Vienna, 12th & 13th April 2024.

Nov. 10th, 2023: On Palestine, Antisemitism, and Academic Silence. At graduate student workshop with Prof. Linda Martín Alcoff, University of Vienna.

Oct. 13th, 2023: Cognitive Disability & Standpoint Epistemology: Imagination as the Problem and as the Solution. At Ethics & Politics of Imagination – International Double Workshop (part 1), hosted by University of Innsbruck.

Dec. 1st, 2022: A concept and theory of infantilisation, understood through disabled experience. Online, as part of the Disability Research Forum seminar series 2022.

Oct. 29th, 2022: Seeing Dogs: Dis/ability and De/humanization in José Saramago’s ‘Blindness‘. As part of the panel, ‘Animals, Empathy, and Anthropomorphism in Saramago’s Work’ at the VII International Conference “José Saramago’s Philosophical and Sociopolitical Heritage” in Vigo (Galicia, Spain).

Oct. 6th, 2022: Minority Minds & Epistemic Injustice (panel). At Inclusion Beyond Face Value: Metaphilosophy of Social Justice, Central European University, Vienna. Organised by the Minorities & Philosophy chapter at CEU.

Aug. 31st, 2022: [With Dr. Martin Huth] The Normate Body Schema and Assistive Technology: What Merleau-Ponty gets wrong about the ‘blind man’s cane’. At the British Society for Phenomenology 2022 Annual UK Conference’. University of Exeter (UK).

May 19th, 2022. How can affective engagement help bridge the gulf between differently situated knowers? One hour discursive workshop session, as part of day-long workshop, ‘Knowing the Distance: Intersectional, Decolonial, and Affective Approaches to Knowledge’. At the Messerli Research Institute (Vienna).

May 9th, 2022. Knowing Me, Knowing You, Aha! – Some Problems for Empathy as a Social-Epistemic Practice. At ‘Imagination & Empathy: What Possibilities, What Challenges, What Limits’ (one-day workshop). At the Dept. of Philosophy, University of Vienna, and online.

April 3rd, 2022. Digging Outside the Field: Animalization and Animality, Within and Beyond Academic Philosophy. At ‘The State of Philosophy’: Annual Graduate Students in Philosophy Conference / Annual Duquesne Women in Philosophy Conference. .

March 26th, 2021. Infantilization, Dehumanization & Cognitive Disability. As part of the British Postgraduate Philosophical Association seminar series.

Dec. 10th, 2020. Notes From the Lunatic Fringe: A Thought Experiment Talks Back. At “Intersectional and Transnational Perspectives on Minorities and Philosophy”. University College Dublin.

Articles, Essays, etc.

Recent abstracts and updates at

Infantilisation in Care, Community & Cognitive Disability. Master of Research thesis, 2021. Available at the Cork Open Research Archive (CORA) [at this link]. Introduction also available here.

Social-epistemic practice and the limits of imagination. Published on The Junkyard, 2022.

Science as process versus science as behemoth. Published on the blog of the American Philosophical Association, 2019. Edited by David V. Johnson.

The Living Mind: Explanation and experience in Nan Shepherd’s ‘The Living Mountain’. Published in Bloomers Vol. 2, 2018.

AwardYearAwarding Body
Pierce Malone Scholarship in Philosophy2019National University of Ireland
Graduate of the Year2019University College Cork
Peel Memorial Prize2019University College Cork
Honorable Mention: APA Undergraduate Public Philosophy Awards2019American Philosophical Association
Iress Award2017Irish Society for the Academic Study of Religion
College Scholar2015-2019University College Cork

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