Ruadhán J. Flynn is currently prae-doc within the research group The Limits of Imagination: Animals, Empathy, Anthropomorphism (University of Innsbruck), PhD candidate at the Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy (University of Vienna), and guest researcher in the Unit of Human-Animal Ethics at the Messerli Research Institute (Vienna).
His research centres on dehumanization, with a doctoral project, Whose Standpoint Matters? Cognitive Disability, Knowledge & Community (supervised by Prof. Martin Kusch and Prof. Robert A. Wilson) bringing together critical disability studies, feminist epistemology, and research on imagination and empathy. This follows completion of a Master of Research thesis, Infantilisation in Care, Community & Cognitive Disability, in 2021, at University College Cork (Ireland), supervised by Prof. Don Ross.
Ruadhán (pronounced Roo-AWN) is also the founder and co-ordinator of the Trans Mutual Care Network. He has been the recipient of several academic awards.
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You can get in touch at: ruadhan (dot) flynn (at) vetmeduni (dot) ac (dot) at
or via
YouTube channel: @Roo_AWN