
Ruadhán J. Flynn is currently Research Fellow in the Unit of Human-Animal Ethics at the Messerli Research Institute (Vienna), prae-doc within the research group The Limits of Imagination: Animals, Empathy, Anthropomorphism (University of Innsbruck), and PhD candidate at the Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy.

His doctoral project, Whose Standpoint Matters? Cognitive Disability, Knowledge & Community (supervised by Prof. Martin Kusch and Prof. Robert A. Wilson) brings together critical disability studies, feminist epistemology, and research on affective and atypical communication.

This follows completion of a Master of Research thesis, Infantilisation in Care, Community & Cognitive Disability, in 2021, at University College Cork (Ireland), supervised by Prof. Don Ross.

Ruadhán is a member of the Disabled Academic Collective and the Society for Philosophy & Disability. He has been the recipient of several academic awards.

For more information and previous projects, choose from the top menu.

You can get in touch at: ruadhan (dot) flynn (at) vetmeduni (dot) ac (dot) at

or via the contact page,
or via Academia.edu