Intellectually disabled people as an oppressed cultural group? Interview with Nicola Fairbrother

Below is philosopher Robert A. Wilson‘s video interview with Nicola Fairbrother, the founder of Neighbourhood Bridges (a human rights organization ‘committed to ending the oppression of people with intellectual disabilities’). I included a link to this video along with the advance material for a workshop I took part in on May 19th, where I introduced cognitive disability and Wilson’s “standpoint eugenics” (Wilson, 2019) into the wider workshop themes of intersectional, resistant and emancipatory approaches to knowledge.

I included this interview with Fairbrother because she discusses the perceived difference between intellectually disabled people and other marginalized groups – an issue I addressed directly at the workshop. It’s an issue that is central to my current research, and I’m very grateful to all the workshop participants for their contributions and feedback.

“Intellectual disability is a culture, I guess, and most people with intellectual disabilities live life in a way that we would, in any other population of people, consider to be culturally oppressed.”

Nicola Fairbrother